Fitness and nutrition educational resources


Welcome to the Syracuse Fitness Center blog! Here you will find in-depth educational resources on health, fitness, nutrition, self-care and so much more. The idea behind the blog is to give you unlimited free resources that guide you on your journey to a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle.

Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

Are Carbohydrates Important for Fitness and Performance?

Carbohydrates often get a bad reputation, with some labeling them as nonessential because the body can technically survive without them. The human body can biosynthesize all the glucose it needs for survival by drawing on noncarbohydrate tissues and their metabolites. However, while they may not be essential for mere survival, carbohydrates play a critical role in optimizing athletic performance and muscle growth.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

The Best Way to Improve at Running

Whether you’re just starting or looking to improve your running, a few key form adjustments can help you go faster, feel stronger, and reduce the risk of injury. Today, we’ll dive into some fundamental tips, including the importance of triple extension—a game-changer for efficient running—and drills to make these habits second nature. Mastering these two concepts is the best way to improve at running.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

How to Stay on Track with Nutrition while Traveling

You can’t ruin your progress by going on vacation for a few days. And at the same time, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to stay on your regiment while you travel.

I like to eat good food and I like to eat healthy but it’s a delicate balance when you travel. You are away from home, out of your element, and surrounded by temptation. Use these tips to stay on track with nutrition while traveling and your life will be much easier.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

What is the Difference Between Flexibility and Mobility

Flexibility represents the ability of soft tissue to passively stretch. A passive stretch is as described above, when you use force to stretch deeper or further into a stretch. Mobility represents the joint’s ability to actively move through a range of motion. Simply put, mobility is how much range of motion you can access and control on your own.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

How to Track Calories and Macros at Restaurants and in Take-Out Food

When you are eating at home and making your meals it’s pretty easy to control your calories and macros. But what happens when you want to track the calories and macros at a restaurant? How do you find that information when ordering take-out from a local business? That was always my biggest struggle when I first started tracking calories.

Let’s face it, everyone goes out to eat once in a while. And even though going out to eat once in a while isn’t going to ruin your progress, it’s still nice to know what you are putting in your body.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

How Do I Improve My Sleep?

A full night’s sleep can improve your immune system, strengthen your heart, improve your mood, increase productivity, improve your performance, and even help with weight loss.

Sleep is also important for memory. Both SWS(slow wave sleep, a type of non-REM sleep) and REM sleep are important for memory formation. Without sleep, memories are effectively kept “front of mind” and not stored contextually. This means that while fresh memories are the clearest, they can also be completely forgotten and poorly recalled.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

What is Zone 2 Cardio and How Much Zone 2 Cardio Should I Be Doing?

Cardio is not what you do to burn extra calories, cardio is an exercise that you do to improve your heart health. Steady state, endurance cardio strengthens your entire heart and as a result, makes it healthier and more efficient. The cardiovascular adaptations of endurance training are most directly correlated with good health.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

What Supplements Should I Take?

In this article, I will break down the pros and cons of some of the most popular supplements so you can determine which ones are right for you, if any.

Remember, the supplement industry is a business. While some companies may have your best interest in mind, the goal is to sell you products, whether you need them or not.

My suggestion is to only use a supplement if you can’t get enough of it through diet or nutrition.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

How to do a Push-Up

Most people view the push-up as an upper-body exercise but it’s a full-body movement if you want to do it right and get the most out of it. You are mainly using your upper body to move down and up but you need to have your core, glutes, and legs engaged to maintain proper body alignment.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

How to Create Goals and Stick to Them

The reason most people fail to reach their goals is because they aren’t specific enough. You need to be specific when setting your goals, and you need to make sure you have actions that you can take to help you reach them.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

How to Run a Successful First Spartan Race

In this article, I will use my experiences from 18 successful races to explain the details of different races, tips on what to wear to a Spartan Race and what to expect when you arrive, as well as beneficial ways to train for the race. By the end, you will know how to run a successful Spartan Race and have the time of your life while doing it.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

Five Ways To Prioritize Workout Time

If you want to finally figure out how to prioritize your workouts then you are in the right place. One of the biggest hurdles people face when trying to start a fitness routine is finding the time to prioritize their workouts. Here are 5 helpful ways to start prioritizing your workouts so you can finally set up a routine that starts giving you the results you deserve.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

The Beginner Pull-Up Guide: How To Do A Pull-Up

It doesn’t matter if you want to accomplish your very first pull-up, or if you want to hit a new personal record for chin-ups, you are in the right place. In this article, I’m going to explain the correct technique and tell you how to build the required strength to accomplish this impressive calisthenics feat. By the end of this article, you will know how to do a pull-up and you will have a game plan to apply so you can use it as a regular part of your training.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

Creatine - What Is it and What Are It’s Benefits?

Creatine is one of the most studied supplements in the world so there’s a lot to learn and the benefits are unbelievable. It’s natural and it’s safe. You will gain muscle faster and strength faster than if you were training without taking creatine. You can build lean muscle even if you are in a calorie deficit, and more.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

How Do I Control Calories on Thanksgiving?

The health and fitness industry can create some struggles for people during the holidays. The stigma of being healthy can put unrealistic expectations on us which can lead to not enjoying the special day and that’s not good. After all, that’s what is most important. To enjoy your day with your loved ones. This short blog is going to dish out(no pun intended) some helpful tips and strategies on how to enjoy your Thanksgiving guilt free while eating the foods you enjoy.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

Meal Prep 101: How Do I Meal Prep?

I am going to cover the ins and outs of meal prepping and provide you with a few different ways to meal prep for yourself. It’s great to save time and money while reducing waste in the kitchen but that’s not all. And you don’t have to be a bodybuilder or an athlete to meal prep. It’s great for anyone who is pressed for time or finds themself going out to buy food for lunch every day. 60-90 minutes on a Sunday could save you time, money, and even sanity over the week to follow. Check out the rest of this article to find out how.

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 Looking for more at-home exercise and nutrition resources?


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