Flexibility & Mobility
The techniques in these videos range from static stretches to active flexibility, and soft tissue work. A healthy balance of flexibility and mobility training is important for a healthy and mobile body. These videos are perfect for everyone and will ensure a comfortable and healthy body as we move through everyday life.
This is a strategy to help you warm up before your workout and increase your range of motion for certain exercises before you get into your training. You can look at this as movement preparation to help get the most out of your workouts.
This drill is great for anyone looking to improve overhead shoulder mobility, as well as anyone who works at a desk all day and wants to combat forward shoul...
This class uses static stretching to increase range of motion in the upper and lower body. With guided coaching you have the ability to learn as you go. This...
These exercises are a perfect upper body warm up. They will also assist in mobility for the shoulders that will carry over into every day life. This helps ...
Here is my favorite set of static stretches to do after a full body workout. This sequence can also be used on its own as a general stretch for the upper bod...
Wrist health is beneficial for everyone but especially those who are training handstands or arm balances. If that's you then you should have a daily wrist ro...
In this flexibility tutorial, I will show you how to use a prop like a blanket to assist in your stretching. If you have tight hamstrings, try these forward ...
Follow along my full body warm up, designed to get you loose and mobile before any exercise. We'll go through this together from head to toe! These should ca...
Self care is a very important part of maintaining a healthy physical fitness practice. Nothing can replace or replicate the tissue work done by a professiona...
This full body warm up will start blood flow in the muscles and joints to prepare you for a workout or even your day to day activities.
Here are a few of my favorite stretches to keep me feeling good at home. If I am on the computer doing office work a lot or doing things around the house my ...